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  • in reply to: how can i light like this? #215824

      Lighting by ‘Claypaki’  and Lasers restricted to project computer graphics in between dancers never near the audience. Lasers have only restricted use.

      in reply to: how can i light like this? #215823

        in reply to: how can i light like this? #215822

          To get that effect you will need high wattage laser lights. As you know there are Health and Safety issues when using lasers, you will have to notify the Freeholder of the building that you are using lasers, they must also carry Public Liability insurance to cover the artistes and talent for injury.  BBC elstree studios use lasers on their Strickly come Dancing show but the audience are not allowed in during the show only during rehearsals. Live shows lasers are restricted. Be warned.

          in reply to: Directing effect of 1:33 (4:3) ratio #215710

            Can’t edit on this forum so can’t remove second photo but the ratio is roughly correct.

            Interesting subject though.

            in reply to: Directing effect of 1:33 (4:3) ratio #215709

              Sorry wrong photo downloaded.

              in reply to: Directing effect of 1:33 (4:3) ratio #215708

                If you are using the same lens then the 4.3 image should look like the photo attached would it not?

                in reply to: Directing effect of 1:33 (4:3) ratio #215684


                  Didnt you use 4.3 on your earlier films such as ‘White Mischief’ etc.

                  I particularly like the format especially where there’s a lot of dialogue, you do not need to be distracted by lots of background etc. only my view of course. Interesting subject.

                  in reply to: Lighting advice on reducing high key light source #215524

                    You have not said what type of lights you have.  You could change the light bulbs, you can even buy coloured ones these days but to start you off try using defusers and large reflectors. Perhaps gold reflectors to soften the light. You need to do a lot experimentation to get it right but you will be pleased with the results. Also try using LED flashlights with coloured filters to make it look interesting. There are many things you can do but you must experiment first. Wish you luck.

                    in reply to: Semi-transparent curtain in front of greenscreen #215463

                      Large paper backdrops.

                      in reply to: Semi-transparent curtain in front of greenscreen #215462

                        If you are on a tight budget then I suggest you borrow a relatives house perhaps one with view and base your production there obviously at an agreed fee. Btw, there are hundreds of backdrops available from China from $15.00 upwards, hundreds of subjects to choose from. Example attached

                        in reply to: Semi-transparent curtain in front of greenscreen #215457

                          Claypaki lit stage.

                          in reply to: Semi-transparent curtain in front of greenscreen #215456

                            I worked for BBC Drama that’s studio and location work. It was common practice to project an image behind windows etc, otherwise a backdrop was either made or hired to suit the stage. Nowadays large printers can produce any backdrop, provide a plate or photo and they will print out for you, any size no problem. Try making your own backdrop and experiment with your lighting person to light to taste.

                            in reply to: Semi-transparent curtain in front of greenscreen #215443

                              Should read will not see the joins. You scan use a TV for backdrops depends on the size of the window of course but you have not said what you are trying to achieve

                              in reply to: Semi-transparent curtain in front of greenscreen #215442

                                you can hire backdrops quite cheaply or you can print out backdrops yourself in sections and pasting them on a board, you will see the joins. Net curtains are also cheap assume you want the curtains to be split in the middle to reveal a background. You can also project a backdrop using a digital projector so not sure why this scene difficult to achieve. There’s are many ways you can go, it is very cheap to achieve .

                                in reply to: Derek Parfit #215398

                                  Running short of time so cannot dwell on this subject but it is down to personal taste really, I do like his photos but cannot understand why he has to manipulate his photos, it is not just tweaking them, he distorts them to his liking, he is never happy with the results, I have been to Venice and St Petersburg and you cannot fail to take a good photograph, why he changes the whole meaning is a mystery!  Van Gogh made thousands of paintings and only sold one is also a mystery, he was never satisfied with his work either. Interesting though.

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