The Cinematography of oppenheimer

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Home Forums Film Talk The Cinematography of oppenheimer

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  • #214849

      Hi master Roger,

      Hope you are doing well.

      Have you had a chance to see “oppenheimer” yet, if so, can you share us your thoughts on this film.

      for me, I’d myself  watched it twice at theatre. one on medium quality imax (not laser or 70mm) and one on a normal theatre. yet Planning to watch it one more time before it goes out of theatre.

      The film was so powerful for me in terms of it’s storytelling, Imagery, Sound and music.

      Though i had read the biography the film is based as an audiobook before the film’s release. It felt like The film achieved something of an impact the book could never.

      The most powerful craft on this film imo was the acting and The cinematography which portrayed the actors emotions so psychologically powerful to the audient.The Imagery felt so anew and powerful that I couldn’t take my eyes away at most of the film due to the power of it’s imagery. The tone made me feel like wacthing history itself made like a documentary rather than a cinematic palatte yet so cinematic, possibly because of the power or approach of lighting in this film, I suppose.Cause tenet or interstellar even didn’t felt this much powerful to me as an audient even though the imagery shot with same imax cameras.


      Master Roger it would be great to hear your thoughts on this film if watched yet.

      Thank you.

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