Shashank redemption harsh lighting

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Home Forums Lighting Shashank redemption harsh lighting

  • Creator
  • #215964
    rama lingam

      Dear master Roger I just saw ‘shawshank redemption’ after a long time. I like to ask few questions. 1. What lens did you use for Brooks feed a bird’s after parole. I assume it’s more than 50mm. 2. The overall lighting seems little Harshness. Is it for harsh prison environment or lead to hope? What was on your mind when you light this picture.

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    • Author
    • #215974
      Roger Deakins

        Primarily, naturalism. I wanted the feel of the darkness of the spaces without losing the characters. The film is about the characters above all. My lens choices were in the 28 to 40mm range. I don’t remember anything above a 50mm. Maybe a 65mm. But I can’t picture the exact shot you are asking about.

        rama lingam

          I just asked about this close shot. Brooks feeding pigeons in park. 

          rama lingam

            I felt the prison canteen high lights seems  little more Harsh compare than prisoner’s cell blocks.

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