Question about 5219 Vision3 500T

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Home Forums Lighting Question about 5219 Vision3 500T

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  • #215623

      Hi Roger and Dear Members!

      I have a question related to the upcoming shoot where I need to have multiple distinct looks for the piece.

      The stock (Kodak 5219) is the stock I have and I can’t change it and I it has to be 35mm film not 16mm.

      In order to make some scenes look “different” and more gritty I was hoping to manipulate the stock and add some noticeable amount of grain to the final image.

      My initial idea was to push it 2 stops and rate it at 1250 or 1600 while shooting, I was not able to find conclusive data on this, some people say that this stock was made to be “grainless” so it will be tough to pull the grain out of it, anybody has experience with that sort of thing?

      Thank you in advance for your help 🙂

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    • Author
    • #215625
      Tyler F

        Why don’t you test as opposed to taking someone’s word for it and hoping they’re right? Shooting film is very expensive and you don’t want to really take any chances unless you’re absolutely certain it would have the desired effect. You could do a test where you underexpose the film and have the lab push it for you and see what the results are. You may like what’s there, but you may not. 500t is going to have more grain than 250d but since 35mm is a bigger negative, the grain will appear smaller.

        If you have a short end, you could use that for your test. Maybe shoot like 20-30′ and tear off the film, spool it onto a core and have lab develop it (if they do that sort of thing).


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