Bathtube Lighting

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Home Forums Lighting Bathtube Lighting

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  • #202857

      Hi, i want to create a romantic bathtube scene for a horror movie. i do not want the audience to know that it is a horrormovie.  i thought about using candles and some ambient light or is there a better approach? maybe side light for the close ups motivated by the candles? or leave the candles ? I need a wideshot and close ups.

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    • Author
    • #203765
      Al Duffield

        Tough one without knowing the layout of the room or what “romantic” looks like in this films visual language.

        classic romantic tropes are long lenses, soft lighting, shallow focus, creamy images, bokeh, candle light, rose petals etc etc etc, this list goes on.

        I think we need a lot more information to give you any specific input, but generally speaking I suggest you discuss with the director what “romantic” fees like, and use that to work out how it should look. Then it’s just a case of execution 🙂

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