John Knoll – May 8, 2024

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Home Forums Team Deakins Team Deakins Podcast John Knoll – May 8, 2024

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  • #215844

      Hello everyone,

      Today, on a new episode of the Team Deakins Podcast, VFX supervisor John Knoll joins the show. John has worked on many films such as THE BATMAN, ROGUE ONE, and AVATAR just to list a few. John is also the inventor (along with his brother Thomas) of Photoshop!

      After listening, feel free to discuss the episode with each other below!

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    • #215845

        I’m so interested in Mr. Knoll’s “Hall of Fame / Hall of Shame” VFX examples that he keeps handy on his computer.

        I looked up the “shame” example he mentions (Indy Last Crusade biplane fight) — not only is the lighting off, but also very funny that they are both wearing hats, flying around the skies in an open cockpit, with no wind.


          Flight Sequence Defender: I love the scene and think Ford and Connery sell it hard enough to work even if Knoll is 1000% right about the obvious staginess.  Plus it still looks better than the rafting sequence in Temple of Doom.





            yes. first thing I thought, that would be. A very useful resource to see.  great episode. Most of my life has been spent in front of photoshop, nice to know one of the people behind so humble.

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