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  • in reply to: exposure and details #172608

      I wouldn’t be surprised, if you answered your own question here. In many situations it would look very unnatural and HDR to have both a properly exposed sky and foreground. There are lots of shots in Roger’s films with plenty of details in the sky (like in your second screenshot) but then the foreground is usually very dark (again, like in your second screenshot), which makes it look realistic and what we’re used to with film and even just our eyes.

      Since Roger states regularly that he prefers images without artefacts (like lens flares, breathing, vignetting, distortion) it only makes sense to me that he isn’t going for a digital looking HDR image.

      Also, the sky is a creative choice of the director and cinematographer and having a beautiful sunrise sky with lots of highlights and beautiful shapes, in my personal opinion, wouldn’t fit the mood in the scenes you reference for 1917 at all.

      in reply to: Shower in Empire of Light #171944

        Alright, I thought so. Just was curious since she also seems to have blood on her hands… 🙂

        in reply to: Forum Problem #171564

          Thanks, Max! Got it. That means it isn’t possible to actually use the forums search or structure, correct? Just clicking on the individual links without really knowing what content to find?

          in reply to: Forum Problem #171542

            I’m sorry for maybe missing the obvious, but how exactly can I navigate through the “backup” on web.archive.org ? All I can see is a list of URLs saved, but clicking on it seems to only reveal statistics but not the actual content. Would you be able to guide me in the right direction? Thanks!

            in reply to: How to get this kind of look on digital? #171499

              I have to say, this clip looks pretty digital to me. What I mean is, it seems to me the overexposure and blooming effect could have been done digitally, no matter if it was shot on film, couldn’t it?

              My guess is that if you shoot a high-key scene like this without blowing out any highlights, it should be relatively easy to tweak it in post to get the desired look.

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