Forum Problem

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      Has the website crashed?

      Nasty storms over Tampa, 2.5 million people without electricity. Hope Robert is ok.

      Regards Mike

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by James.
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    • #169476

        Hi Mike,

        No, the website wasn’t down. But the forum was. I believe the software had a vulnerability and notice that their website was down. So I just started from scratch. So the website didn’t crash.

        Florida is really getting hit. I’m hoping that everyone is alright.


          Thankyou James,

          I am so relieved it didn’t crash so it should be fully recoverable within time.

          I imagined poor Robert operating the computer wearing his snorkel and mask! Even so conditions in Florida look really bad with 23 deaths, floods and devastation everywhere even highways are closed, communications cut.

          Hope Robert and his family are safe and well.

          Robert Dempsey

            We servied only tree damage no house problems here at all and we did not get any floods


              Hey Robert,

              What a relief, we were so worried about you, so lovely to hear from you again, you have made my day. If you want me to mow your lawn just let me know!

              Warm wishes to DI and family.

              (I will now sleep well tonight) write any time, you have my email. 🥰



                Hello 🙂

                Did the old posts disappeared? I can only see 24 about lighting and came to check one of them and it shows me the message: Error 404 – Page Not Found.




                  All the old archives from the previous forum have disapeared but James is still working on this new forum so it’s possible she could retrieve them. The old archives contained a wealth of technical information going back 10 years or so so I hope they can be found.

                  I understand Roger and James are still running about promoting their new book and film so have limited time rectifying the new forum.


                  Max A.

                    Hello Mike, Mr. Deakins, Mrs. James, and all the people that follow this fantastic platform.
                    I don’t know if I have understood correctly, but are you a forum moderator (Mike)?
                    Last week I “open” a new post on the lighting session but the topic is still pending moderation. I don’t know if it is a Forum issue, or if is Mrs. James who control all the topics to avoid spam and uncontrolled topic and of course I know they are very busy with the ‘By Ways’ promotion.

                    For what concerns the old forum(s) for everyone like me that are addicted to the Mr. Deakins Forum, I have found an archive thanks to one of the best websites since the Internet was opened (in my opinion).

                    The archive doesn’t contain all the posts and images as if the original forum was still there, but I recovered a lot of things and there is also a “backup” of the “old” website (Deakins Online).
                    As I said before there are not all the posts because it depends on the backup date that the “machine” did.

                    If you want (and I can) I can share the links. But if Mrs. James is working to recover the “full and the original version” of the forum I don’t want to appear impatient, my “suggest” was only a safe option.

                    I wish you all a peaceful day.


                      Sorry about spelling mistakes but I also have editing issues too. We will have to wait until James gets back to tweak the computer.


                      Max A.

                        Hello Mike and all the forum members. Here are the two links with the various pages. Every page was saved on a certain date that you can find in the “calendar”.

                        As I said before there are not all the topics and some of those are without attached images, but in a scenario where everything is lost, this was a great rescue for me.
                        There are more saved pages on the ‘Deakinsonline’ old Forum.

                        Last Forum:

                        ‘Old’ Deakin online:

                        I hope this can help.

                        I wish you all a peaceful Sunday,

                        Ps. I had to remove the HTTP etc. because the forum block the reply (I think it is a safety reason for hacking and virus)


                          Thankyou Max,

                          Thats a good start to begin with, perhaps we can rekindle the old site.


                            I’m sorry for maybe missing the obvious, but how exactly can I navigate through the “backup” on ? All I can see is a list of URLs saved, but clicking on it seems to only reveal statistics but not the actual content. Would you be able to guide me in the right direction? Thanks!

                            Max A.

                              Hello Halfgrain,

                              So, when you click on a link in the list, the website shows you a series of dates (years pattern), Then you have to ‘pick’ the last date where you see there is the ‘vertical line’. Then in the months’ list below, you have to find the date (that I think is when the backup was made) and then open the link that shows up.
                              Sorry for my bad English, I hope it is a bit clear now.

                              Have a nice day.



                                Thanks, Max! Got it. That means it isn’t possible to actually use the forums search or structure, correct? Just clicking on the individual links without really knowing what content to find?

                                Max A.

                                  Hello Halfgrain,

                                  Yes, unfortunately, isn’t possible to use the forum in the correct way. The links to the pages in the list are the only ones that the website has saved.

                                  Have a nice day.


                                    Changes cannot be made until Roger and James return from their promotional responsibilities until then you can chat to each other, there are lots of subjects to debate that relate to the film industry. The film business is changing all the time, new studios are being built especially in the U.K, new people are being trained and new facilities being set up, business is booming even with Covid still hanging around so the future is looking bright.

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