Geared Head vs Fluid Head

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Home Forums Camera Geared Head vs Fluid Head


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  • #216341

      Hey Sir Roger,

      You mention that you operate all the film yourself, when is comes it operating, do you have a preference on geared head or Fluid head? Is there one better than the other in curtain situation?


      Thank you!

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    • Author
    • #216356
      Roger Deakins

        I find the gear head is a great tool when working on a set with very specific camera moves. I prefer a fluid head when I am shooting on an exterior location and, specifically, on longer lenses.


          Got it, it makes sense to use a geared head for specific camera moves.

          But how is a fluid head beneficial when it comes to operating the camera when shooting exterior scenes, and specifically with only longer lenses?

          Thank you!

          Roger Deakins

            The weight of a simple fluid head is an advantage outside when moving around difficult terrain. I do prefer operating with a fluid head for long lens shots when I am panning with uncertain action, for instance.


              Thank you Roger for explaining!


                I learned the hard way that the main advantage of a heavy geared head is that the camera itself doesn’t create enough inertia to affect the move, the mass is centered around the head mostly and when it stops moving because you stopped turning a wheel, it stops perfectly. With a fluid head, due to inertia, the camera wants to keep moving even if you stop panning or tilting, so sometimes you can see this bobble when it stops abruptly at the end of a fast move unless the operator is really good. I recall trying to push into a pitcher of water on a table and then tilt down until I was looking straight down, and the weight of the camera caused the fluid head to want to keep tipping forward after I hit the straight down position, causing me to grab the magazine to stop it.  It’s just Newton at work!


                  Hahaha, Newton at work! Glad you grabbed the magazine. Do you have a preference on which head to use?

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