Chiaroscuro lighting setup for a film

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Home Forums Lighting Chiaroscuro lighting setup for a film

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  • #216874

      Howdy again, I am curious to see opinions on how I might carry out a lighting setup for a short film im working on. Currently I am working with a single overhead hard light source, but I am a bit concerned that it is too hard. Here is an example still:

      I want the light to still be pretty hard because I am going for the chiaroscuro/noir look, but I want to make sure that we are still drawn to the subject. I was thinking about just using a bounce board, but when I tried it, it removed too much shadow. Any ideas?

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    • #216875

        I don’t think there is anything wrong with a hard top light in this case, especially since it is not hitting the face. I think if you want the eye to go to the person, the top light has to be hotter on them than the ground to frame left. I tried to play with it below.

        In terms of the face, if your bounce card was further upstage so the face was more 1/4 lit by it, not as frontal, I think that would give you some light in the eyes but still keep some darkness.


          Thanks for the info Dmullenasc! Im for sure going to start looking into a new lighting setup for this with a stronger overhead

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