A.I and concept development

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  • #216472

      I thought Mr Deakins response to Dan Lemmon discussing his fears of A.I in recent episode very interesting. Very open minded (reminded me a lot of a wonderful  interview with the late painter frank Auerbach radio 4 did some years ago).

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    • #216473
      Roger Deakins

        I really don’t know what to think of the use of AI in filmmaking but change is a given.


          Im using most of the creative A.I programs daily. Still image, video, music generation for indie film making specifically I feel it has made a lot of things  previously impossible possible. I think A.I impact is very nuanced and rarely discussed coherently. I trained as a Fine art painter very intensively in UK.  For me the biggest misconception that people have about these tools is that it doesn’t negate the fact you still have to learn about art and design. That hasn’t changed. No matter  how incredible an image the A.I app generates you still need to understand on some level what it is you are actually looking at.

          Roger Deakins

            And you still need something to say – a story to tell.

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