Reply To: Revolutionary Road – Night Interior lighting

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Home Forums Lighting Revolutionary Road – Night Interior lighting Reply To: Revolutionary Road – Night Interior lighting

Max A.

    Thank you so much for your reply Mr. Deakins! The anecdote related to the preparation of the scene is funny.
    My impostor syndrome would have made me feel guilty, for some reason, about what happened regarding the production even if so many things happen during the day on a set.

    If I can ask another question about the scene, do you remember if the bounce sources were positioned next to the bed? Because I don’t see the fall-off of the light on the bed sheet. So It seems that maybe the bounce sources are on the floor next to the bed so they don’t directly affect the bed. (with lamps on the ceiling) creating an unpleasant and unnatural effect.

    The effect of the rain is the icing on the cake of this scene as usual perfectly balanced in lighting and composition!

    Thank you again for your reply and your time Mr. Deakins, reading from you it is priceless for me.
    I wish you a peaceful day.