- This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 8 months ago by .
Hello Mr. Deakins,
<p style=”text-align: left;”>I was reading an ASC article on Skyfall and they mentioned:</p>“<span style=”color: #000000; font-family: Merriweather, sans-serif; font-size: 20px;”>The uncompressed ArriRaw format was also a new development for the Alexa since </span><em style=”border: 0px solid #e5e7eb; box-sizing: border-box; –tw-translate-x: 0; –tw-translate-y: 0; –tw-rotate: 0; –tw-skew-x: 0; –tw-skew-y: 0; –tw-scale-x: 1; –tw-scale-y: 1; –tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; –tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; –tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; –tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,0.5); –tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; color: #000000; font-family: Merriweather, sans-serif; font-size: 20px;”>In Time.<span style=”color: #000000; font-family: Merriweather, sans-serif; font-size: 20px;”> Deakins notes, “We were told </span><em style=”border: 0px solid #e5e7eb; box-sizing: border-box; –tw-translate-x: 0; –tw-translate-y: 0; –tw-rotate: 0; –tw-skew-x: 0; –tw-skew-y: 0; –tw-scale-x: 1; –tw-scale-y: 1; –tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; –tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; –tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; –tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,0.5); –tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; color: #000000; font-family: Merriweather, sans-serif; font-size: 20px;”>Skyfall<span style=”color: #000000; font-family: Merriweather, sans-serif; font-size: 20px;”> would get an Imax release, so how our images would look on that giant screen was a big consideration. I shot tests comparing uncompressed HD, which I used on </span><em style=”border: 0px solid #e5e7eb; box-sizing: border-box; –tw-translate-x: 0; –tw-translate-y: 0; –tw-rotate: 0; –tw-skew-x: 0; –tw-skew-y: 0; –tw-scale-x: 1; –tw-scale-y: 1; –tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; –tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; –tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; –tw-ring-color: rgba(59,130,246,0.5); –tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; color: #000000; font-family: Merriweather, sans-serif; font-size: 20px;”>In Time,<span style=”color: #000000; font-family: Merriweather, sans-serif; font-size: 20px;”> and ArriRaw, and we blew those images up and watched them on an Imax screen at Swiss Cottage. It was quite startling; both images looked pretty damned good, but the ArriRaw had a definite advantage.”</span>
What was this particular advantage of Arriraw you saw considering both are lossless formats I believe ??
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