How to improve the sharpness of the image with a cheaper lens.

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Home Forums Lighting How to improve the sharpness of the image with a cheaper lens.

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  • #186309

      I bought some new led with fire fx. After testing it out I tried to check a shot from revenant. What is the main reason of the sharpness of the image? Is it the lens? I am using xeen lens


      What can I get to get a sharpness closer to the revenant which was shot on ARRI lenses?

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    • #186537

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>The lens (and its f-stop setting) isn’t the only factor. You haven’t mentioned what camera you used nor the recording format nor the delivery format. Nor the source of the frame from “The Revenant”.  Also in a small image seen on a computer or mobile device, the difference in sharpness between two similar images might just be the amount of electronic sharpening applied.</p>


          Sir the f stop was 2.8. The camera used here is Red Gemini 5k and the resolution of the shot is 2048 X 1080. The shot was taken on a shoulder rig. The format was R3d and was converted into mp4 when the file was rendered out. The shot of the revenant was taken out using screenshot software from Amazon Prime.


            You can’t really compare the two because your shot is not in focus. If you zoom into it, you can see that you’re focused on the tip of his nose, not his eyes.


              Ok, thank you so much, sir. Predicting how sharp the image is on the camera’s small screen becomes a little challenging if the focus puller is not very experienced. Can a suitable video transmitter help tackle this if we transmit the footage on a bigger monitor?


                This is best answered by a focus-puller — there are a number of techniques that can be used, larger monitors, zooming-in on the monitor signal, peaking tools, etc.

                If your AC is struggling, you may have to give that person a deeper shooting stop as well, though a deeper-focus image actually makes it harder to focus by monitor since you don’t see the fall-off in focus as clearly. But then, you also don’t see the focus mistakes as clearly!


                  Ok. Thank you so much, sir.

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