Fire light in stop motion

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Home Forums Lighting Fire light in stop motion

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  • #169467

      Hello you all! English is not my native leaguage, I hope you excuse my mistakes.

      So, here’s the thing. I am shooting a 60 secs stop motion with puppets, where the puppets must be set on fire. Fire is going to be animated in 2D animation. I am wondering how can I light this scene, so that fire seems to come from the puppets. I want it to be the more organic as possible.

      Do you have any idea on mind? I appreciate your help. Thank you so much!!

      Here’s a still from a test we did. This is our scene and the fire starts when we go to the reverse shot.

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    • Author
    • #169712
      Roger Deakins

        If the fire on the characters is animate does it need more than a little interactive firelight hitting the areas on which they are sitting? I would suggest the main issue will be the flicker of the firelight and syncing that between what light is in camera and the 2D animation.

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