Do I lose anything in the DI by not using 85/80A filter?

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Home Forums Camera Do I lose anything in the DI by not using 85/80A filter?

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  • #215045

      I’m preparing to shoot an indie short on Super 16 and my AC and colorist were discussing whether or not you lose anything in the DI by not using color conversion filters since the image would skew cool for the few exteriors?

      Most of this film is indoors with a few exteriors during dusk. I was planning on ordering all 7219 (500T) and overexposing by +2/3~+1 stop (depending on the scene). So being at 250ASA then putting 85 in front would mean a lot of light…I was hoping to just shoot a gray card and balance it in DI.

      Sorry if this seems obvious. I haven’t shot S16 in years so I’m a bit rusty.

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    • Author
    • #215046
      Roger Deakins

        I am a bit rusty as well. I think it would be fine to drop the 85. I used to do that when it was just a film print and I wanted cooler shadows. In the DI you should be fine.

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