Day for night

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Home Forums Lighting Day for night


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  • #169640

      Hi Roger and everyone,

      I am on a feature film shooting on venice camera + atlas lenses.

      I’ve been asked to shoot some day for night in the woods.

      I will try to keep the sky out of the frame and I asked a lut to the lab to visualize the effect on set.

      Anything else I should keep in mind? what is your rule of thumb to deal with this? Would you ever use lights to keep the characther higher on exposure?

      thank you so much


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    • Author
    • #169706
      Roger Deakins

        I have only done some limited day for night shooting and that was in a forest in Kenya. I did use some artificial lighting to pull the character away from the background but I wouldn’t say it necessary I think that depends on whether it is sunny or cloudy or if the foliage is particularly dense.

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