consistent look with different set ups

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Home Forums Lighting consistent look with different set ups

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  • #212582

      First off I hope everyone is having a great day, and to the Deakins team I ask how do you keep a consistent feel and look to a film? I can see a still frame from any of your movies and I know where it’s from. I know if it’s from Prisoners, Sicario, 1917, etc. I’m just curious on how you do it especially with all the different lighting setups you use. I have a hard time getting a consistent look. Especially in different locations for the same project.  I use the same colors schemes with wardrobe set design and things of that nature, however I can hardly ever get consistent lighting and most importably feel from location to location.


      Thank you for your time.

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    • #214496

        Interesting question and I’m curious what Roger will share. I wonder though: How would you really define a consistent look throughout a movie, when ONLY talking about the lighting aspect? Clearly, every movie features drastically different locations and times with different vibes, looks and feel to it. The sun baked outside with harsh shadows and no additional lighting, a huge, cold glass office room, the tunnel in night vision in Sicario. These are drastically different settings with completely different lighting, so there can’t be an overarching feel in the way to light them, right? I would argue it is way more the overall color scheme, framing, lens choice and color grading that makes them “match” for you? Just my two cents…

        Roger Deakins

          How to manage consistency? I don’t know what to advise. You decide on the look for the film, a scene or a sequence and then break it down into individual shots. You consider when and how to best shoot each shot depending on the restrictions you have regarding the existing natural light and/or your schedule. consistency is key to immersing the audience in a film and, therefore, a priority for the work of any cinematographer.


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