considering editing

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Home Forums Film Talk considering editing

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  • #214861
    Ganesh Venkatesh

      Hi Master Roger Deakins,

      for some films cinematographer considers editing in the pre-production.

      For example, Mad Max: Fury Road, due to its fast cutting.  In every shot the main element is in the center of the composition so the editor can use the eye trace for fast cutting.

      In one interview Joe Walker said about the Blade Runner 2049 ” its a very intimate relationship on set with DOP and their director and i don’t come in the middle of that. I kind of know what they’re doing what they’re trying to achieve and they know what i’m trying to achieve.”

      sir is it best to know about each others work so everything leads into a place, everyone wished?. or is it best to maintain everybody freedom on their works?

      Sir Roger did you considers the editing during prep in any of the films  that you worked beside 1917.

      thank you.

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    • Author
    • #214862
      rama lingam

        I am Not Roger. But what a ridiculous questions. Ofcourse you have preconceived idea about editing. For every movie you have decide particular editing pattern in your mind. Cinematographer never ask a such question like this.

        rama lingam

          I am Not Roger. But what a ridiculous questions. Ofcourse you have preconceived idea about editing. For every movie you have decide particular editing pattern in your mind. Cinematographer never ask a such question like this.

          The Byre

            Also not Roger – but I do not think the question is without merit.  Obviously every creative must consider the role of every other creative and it is the job of the director to ensure that this happens.  A film shot wide in an observational style is going to have a very different type of editing rhythm than an action film with many sudden cuts and camera moves.  Set design, lighting, framing and camera movement will all comply and aid the telling of the story and the director’s vision.

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