Shower in Empire of Light

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Home Forums Film Talk Shower in Empire of Light

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  • #171505

      Dear Roger,

      this is somewhat trivial, but I just watched the trailer for “Empire of Light”, which by the way looks fantastic and I can’t wait to see the movie in the theatre. I couldn’t help but think of a very similar looking shot in ‘No Country for Old Men’, when I saw the shower scene with the dark green tiles. So I wonder, is there a story behind this? Is this a coincidence, or maybe a hidden easter egg on your part or did you maybe not even think of it looking the same?

      Just curious 🙂

      Thanks and all the best!

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    • Author
    • #171725
      Roger Deakins

        Pure coincidence!


          Green tiles in bathroom is now becoming fashionable, houses will soon have green energy and some people have even painted their houses green.

          Not long now before we seen ‘green’ camera’s powered by the sun, they already have solar powered LED’s!


            Alright, I thought so. Just was curious since she also seems to have blood on her hands… 🙂

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